Hillbilly Elegy vs. State of the Nation: Similarities in theme

While J.D. Vance's "Hillbilly Elegy" focuses on a mostly White demographic, and is a work of non-fiction, there is a shared thematic to my work of fiction, "State of the Nation".

The common thread is the disaffection of American youth that seems to be a fallout from the lack of options and resources as blue collar jobs became less available as we moved from an industrial to an information economy.

White working class people were of the impression that they were losing out to non-white people via affirmative action and government entitlements.

Black working class people were of the impression that they were losing out to white people due to the preferential treatment built into American society from systemic racism.

These perceptions seem to be creating a bigger rift between groups that blind us to the fact that we are more the same than we are different.  This country belongs to all of us.